My everyday search for happiness
Published on May 22, 2007 By xtine In Life Journals
Good Luck Fargo, I'm Legal Now
I was standing in the line at the dmv and this lady came in, an older lady, stood there for only 30 seconds before twitching and huffing and puffing with impatience. Five minutes of this and she says, "Why don't they hire more people?"

Lady....what did you think coming to the DMV? You didn't really expect to NOT stand in line? She oozed elderly co-dependency, prolly always had her man pay her prop taxes and doesn't really understand gov't.; assuming all the world's problems could be solved by hiring more people. She stood there, huffing and puffing. Instead of embracing the situation and tolerating it for what it is, which is really all one could do....she spread her negative poison.

One guy came in, mid-20s or so, looked like he was off a page of an Old Navy catalogue, stipey polo shirt, cut off khakis and red flip flops, curly hairstyle...
Another guy filled in line after him, all boisterous and happy at first. He was classic blue collar worker and happy for the grease in his knuckles. He finally settled down. But not before asking Old Navy if he'd caught any waves lately.

As for me, it was touch and go on the vision test (I have a lazy eye), but I got my driver's license renewed sucessfully!

on May 23, 2007

If one realizes that Government has no competition (no place else to go to get your driver's license or whatever), they would see that they have no reason to "hire more".  INdeed they do not.

Nor do those who work there have any reason to be fast and efficient about doing their job.  They get the same pay and the same raises regardless of how they do their jobs.

Congrats on your license!  The last time I got mine, it as the first one I got with 0 restrictions! (I had Lasik).  That felt good.

on May 25, 2007
Hi xtine. Long time, no see. (we are still cronies aren't we?)
on Aug 06, 2008

Moti Weisbrot - Lessons on Lifetime Happiness

Happiness is a religion .

First thing in order to be happy is to live the present .

With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now !

The main problem with looking too frequently into the past is that we may turn around one day and find out the future has run out on us .

Don't let the past or the " future" steal your present .

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.

Just try your best in order to be happy. Unhappiness starts with wanting to be happier.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you make for the present .

Happiness is not a destination or a " target" to reach . It is a method of life , to live daily .

Happiness is a religion, and should never be rationalized. Remeber it !

It is the paradox of life that the way to miss pleasure is to seek it first.

The happiness desire is never extinguished in the heart of man.

Happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away.

Real deep happiness comes from your own inside. Nobody can give it to you.

Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.

To fill and live the minute and the hour and the day , that is happiness.

Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales ... The state of your Happiness is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind .

Enjoy the little things.

One day you will look back and realize they were the big things.

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you already have .

Sincerely ,

Moti Weisbrot