My everyday search for happiness
and it goes unnoticed
Published on April 19, 2007 By xtine In Current Events
I don't know why, but it pisses me off hugely that I haven't seen one damn thing about today being the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.

on Apr 19, 2007
I didn't remember, either.

Have you been to the memorial. I can never get the image of that baby in his diaper and a bow tie out of my head.

I wonder how all the families are doing now.
on Apr 19, 2007
I heard it on the news tonight. They said it was the 12th Anniverrsary of the bombing. It seems like it wasn't that long ago to me.

I can't get the picture out of my mind of the fireman with the little baby in his arms.

Between the planes going into the towers and the bombing by McVeigh it puts the gun perspective where it needs to go. It's people that kill humans not their weapon of choice.

Our thoughts and prayers should go out to all the victims left behind as they remember this day and the loss of their loved ones.
on Apr 19, 2007
I remembered. In fact, I don't think I'll ever forget.

WWW Link
on Apr 19, 2007

I think with the fresh blood of innocent Virginia students still wet and the news orgs reveling in it, somehow the horror of the bombing by our very own home grown terrorist was shunted aside.

on Apr 20, 2007
It was noted here, along with Columbine.  But I guess we are a bit sensitive to those anniversaries right now.
on May 18, 2007
I can't get the picture out of my mind of the fireman with the little baby in his arms.

That sticks in my mind too. Honestly, I forgot! Elie is right, for me the Virginia killings was pretty much on my mind.

I'm so late catching up with you since I know you don't post so often...and where in the heck are you anyway?! Stay well!